Have you ever wondered about food factories?

Factories amaze me. I went to tour the Vigo food packaging plant in Tampa, FL a while back and I was so impressed with the whole system. From the packaging and bottling to the storing and shipping to the recipe and spice room, it was impressive. And that was just the machinery! The people who […]

Have you ever wondered why corn grows straight up and its roots grow all curvy?

Have you ever wondered why corn grows straight up and its roots grown all curvy? I was driving out by Paoli, WI. I love seeing all of the corn growing in perfect rows. If you blur your eyes just a bit as you rush by it is almost like an animated picture. I wouldn’t recommend […]

Have you ever wondered why Pez are so popular?

My children were totally baffled by some candy they were gifted one holiday called Pez. It comes in a package with a candy dispenser contraption and three packages of stacked candy to load into the simple machine. Each of them had a different Star Wars character head where the candy would come out, so they […]